13 Jan Top 5 Keys to Success When First Starting Out On Your Own
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I should say, starting their own business. You should do for sure those are like the five foundational necessary things that are not negotiable for when they’re just starting out your business.
Number one is, you’ve got, you know, I would, I would say identify what problem you solve, who you solve it for, and what the value of that problem is to find the people that you’re most passionate and skilled with dealing with that are able to pay you money to be able to solve that problem that’s one.
Number two you’ve got to get in front of those people. So that might mean, sorry, actively getting in front of those people.
So when I say that people were like, well, you know, I put up posts and I do Instagram lives etc, and I’m like, okay, well, I understand that, but are you actively going out and getting in front of people who are already working with those clients?
Might be an adjunct service.
So if you’re dealing with someone who wants to lose weight, is there a nutritionist in your area who focuses on nutrition but they don’t teach exercise?
Is there a way for you to get in front of them collaboratively get in front of them and start utilizing those, clients, because if they’re training and they’re doing the nutrition program, they’re only gonna get even better.
So is there a way to start building partnerships and leveraging other people who already have clients who are the same client that are your type of clients and get working with those people right away.
So utilizing, establishing those partnerships and actively getting in front of those people.
Number three is don’t compare yourself to other people because when you start going on Instagram and looking at, Oh, this guy’s got 500,000 followers and this person’s doing $10 million a year, the reality is is that you guys are in different stages of business.
So someone, you know, there’s, there’s people who do what I do for health coaching and making millions of dollars, millions of dollars a month.
You can’t look at that in the same path because you’re doing something that’s different. This guy’s been doing it for 40 years or whatever it is. So don’t compare yourself to other people because it’s the quickest way to get yourself derailed in your own mindset.
Number four would be continuously improve, focusing on, you know, if you’ve picked a specific niche. I say it’s our fundamental obligation to ensure that our clients win at all costs.
So I will get the best result for the client and patient and all costs. I’ll go, I’ll spend my whole weekend and 1000 bucks to go to a course to try to learn how to get this person’s knee to function better.
I’ll contact the best doctors I could find on the internet, set up a time to call them or whatever so I can get insight. So continuously focusing on getting the best results for your clients through continuing education.
You know, you don’t necessarily always have to go out and do courses, but there’s times I pick up the phone and called orthopedic surgeons. I remember one time there’s a back Institute in Tampa and I called the doctor. I got a phone call with one of the doctors eventually to a couple of weeks. but, he gave me insight.
I said, what do you think about these exercises? What do you think about this? What do you guys include?
He sent me a physio based program that they utilized. I was always trying to be resourceful in getting the best results possible for clients.
Number five invest in softer skills. So the business aspect, the how to communicate more effectively, how to sell, and not sleazy based sales, but how do I provide value? How do I nurture, how do I communicate in a way to get clients to be compliant?
Because that’s a really big thing that I hear time and time again well my clients didn’t eat well or they didn’t do this well, I look at that as you failed to be able to communicate it. You failed to be able to communicate.
So you’ve got to, you know, look at this and say, how can I improve?
Kind of put me on the spot for those five things. But I think that those are the ones that are really going to help you know, you and, and whoever stand out the most.
The people I found that are the most successful do those things throughout their entire career.
I’ve been in the industry for 13 years and I’ll still call people on, how do you do this or what do you think about this? Or, you know, even in the business industry, like I reach out to, real estate agents, you name it architects and I ask them the top people, how did they, how do you do this? So that I can learn how to better, incorporate, my strategies for, getting better results for our clients and in the business realm and so on and make sure that they get the best results possible and win, cause that’s why my ultimate responsibility, just remember this, that your clients don’t need you. You need clients.
Yeah, yeah. 100%
When you think of it that way it will completely change your mindset.
Your network is your net worth type thing. So the people that you surround yourself with is massive.