18 May How to Gain 6 New Clients & Make $6k in Sales in 1 Day…During Lock-down
The past 2 months have been life-changing for everyone.
Personal lives and businesses have been tested to the breaking point.
Throughout all of the uncertainty, fear and stress I have always been preaching to focus on what you can control and forget about the stuff you can’t. At the end of the day there are people who need our help as therapists and we must do what we can to help them.
I have seen a polarizing response from health practice owners. Some who have shut down completely and exited the industry, others have become innovative and found ways to continue delivering their services while maintaining strong relationships.
The one thing I can confidently say is…
Doing nothing gets you nothing. Innovation is key.
When the world began to unravel, I began to think “how are we going to be able to adapt and innovate to stay in business and deliver services…how am I going to be able to help get my clients through this?”
I spent hours on my whiteboard brainstorming ideas and coming up with ways to pivot strategies to ensure delivery of service to current clients as well as attract new prospects to keep business flowing.
One idea stood out almost immediately.
I have always been a huge fan of using workshops to build an audience, establish your preeminence and get new clients. I’ve been using workshops for years and they really helped me kickstart my solo practice and grow the clinic.
So I got to work on making what is traditionally a live workshop and putting it together to be held online with no idea what would happen. (Typically I would expect 50-70 registrations with 20-25 participants showing)
After putting together the slides and taking all the in-person instruction and distilling it into an easy to follow “do it yourself” routine, the next step was getting registrants.
This took about 10 days of promotion using email and Facebook marketing to promote.
The result?
67 registrations (some were already paying clients)
6 immediate sales into a 6-week plan of care ($997 each)
And a ton of leads to follow up with
I’ve shared the swipe file with a few of my clients for using this exact same process and they are getting some amazing results, I am getting them reporting between $2-5k in plans of care.
The world has changed, especially for healthcare and what I do know if we need to change with it.
There are never-ending opportunities and people that need our help, but first, we must be open to doing things in different ways.
You are in control.
If you’d like help incorporating workshops into your health practice to generate consistent new clients every month click here to schedule your free marketing strategy call