08 Apr Three Simple Things You Can Do to Improve your Business Now
Over the past two weeks, I’ve been communicating with a variety of health practice owners. And one thing that repeatedly comes up is,
“What can I do right now in order to generate income and better set my business up for success when I can return to work?”
In our group calls, we’ve been discussing different strategies in order to help you get back to business as fast as possible when cleared.
These strategies will be able to put you ahead of the competition and help to put you in a position to minimize the amount of income loss, as well as get you back to a point of consistent income without having to restart your business.
First, I really like to pre-frame everybody and make sure that we’re focused on solutions, not problems.
Direct your attention and efforts to what you can be doing right now, don’t worry about the things you can’t.
You can’t control the government, whether or viruses.
What you are able to do is control how you react and how you adapt to the current situations provided.
With that being said, there are four things you should be focusing on right now to be able to get you making income now and to minimize the downtime when the dust settles.
1 – In a lot of scenarios, you may be able to provide therapy such as telehealth or virtual based services to your existing patients.
We’ve had a massage therapist for example, who is able to provide group stretch classes as well as meal prep cooking classes virtually for her current patients in order to generate some revenue and keep providing value and contact with these patients.
2 – Gathering Success Stories & Case Studies
Now is an excellent time to start reaching out to the patients that you’ve gotten exponential results with and ask them to share their success story either by video or text.
Most people are sitting at home binge watching netflix and overeating, asking them for a favor to help you out will give them something to do that they can feel great about.
A physiotherapist in our group received 5 success stories from their patients by simply asking in an email. That’s 5 pieces of content that help grow their practice and can be used for blogs, ads and more.
Here are the questions we typically ask;
Where were you before (your service)?
What is the biggest result have you seen?
What would you recommend to someone dealing with (condition)?
3 – Optimizing your website.
Often I hear practitioners complain about not having time to fix up their websites to make them do what a website should do – Generate leads and patients.
Now is a great time to convert your website into a direct response authority amplifying site focused on improving the prospects & patients journey.
I put together a one-page template of what a highly converting direct response website should look like if you want a copy – comment “website” below