19 May 3 Mindset Shifts that are Critical in Your Success
Your mindset is one of the most powerful weapons you have to protect yourself during these challenging times, yet so many of us are not using it to our full potential.
I’ve been connecting with colleagues, clients, friends & family, and one of the biggest pieces of advice I’ve been giving is how to adopt the right mindset and where to focus your energy.
Below are 3 mindset shifts that are critical in your success in your business, personal life, relationships, and more.
1 – Adapt to Long-Term Thinking.
Taking a 30,000 ft view is a great way to deal with short-term challenges. If you live and focus on the short term you’ll be more likely to experience tunnel vision and putting a filter of negativity and fear into everything you see.
What I can guarantee is that the more you can focus on investing your time, energy, and mindset into positivity and long-term thinking the better you will feel about any negative situation you encounter and the better you will do after the return to baseline.
Making decisions for your business and personal self-based on long-term thinking strategies that don’t include panic, fear, and desperation (5-year toilet paper supplies) will be the best thing you can do.
2 – Adopt an Abundance Mindset.
As we’ve seen with hoarding of food, Lysol wipe, dumping of stocks, etc, people live with scarcity mindsets.
In times of panic, fear, and economical depression there is a tendency to focus on the resources we don’t have. I’ve seen people losing their minds over the past year because they can’t use their favorite gym equipment, or go to their favorite restaurant.
There are 1000’s body weight or exercise band exercises you can do right now, you can spend time making a healthy meal with a loved one and grow a deeper connection.
Instead of worrying about what you don’t have, make the best with what you do. Technology allows you to stay connected with your clients, friends & loved ones. Chances are you have more than enough to solve many of the problems right now.
3 – Invest in Becoming Resilient.
Everyone has experienced challenges and overcame them. I’ve lived through numerous adversities in both my business and personal life, and the reality is you get through them and move forward.
You fall down and you get back up; that is part of human development.
Not everything is always going to go the way you want it to and when it doesn’t you have two choices, let it define you or adapt and overcome. Chances are if you are reading this you’ve adapted and overcome many issues in your life. Now’s the time to continue.
Alter your thinking to that 30,000 ft view and see all the positives and what you have now and how you can best utilize the resources and adapt your situation now. Many of us business owners have communities we’ve built, friends we’ve made, colleagues we’ve met invest in those relationships, and leverage each other to build a stronger relationship and connection.
Your clients & colleagues’ willingness to stay with you through these difficult times and long term after being predicted by these mindsets. If you adopt and embrace these mindsets, you’ll get through these current challenges and any tough times ahead. Remember it starts with you.
Adapt and Overcome